Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Solved: Roku TV Restarting Itself

l own a 55" Roku Hisence Smart TV. Recently encountered this problem with the TV. where it would shut down by itself. then it restarts itself over and over again. I browsed the internet for people with similar issues. l found a few cases where some people solved the problem by pressing the reset button to save the day. l tried that several times without any luck... but that did not work for me. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwj37ZLTiq-GAxUpEFkFHaSsDCkQFnoECBQQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.roku.com%2Ft5%2FDiscussions%2FTCL-Roku-TV-Constantly-Rebooting%2Ftd-p%2F898629&usg=AOvVaw0mLRabRR6c3x2bFysHeCnu&opi=89978449
So l opened up the TV. l noticed two small 10Uf 250Volts capaciators that appeared to have burnt out. I think they are on the Power part of the only control circuit board. their top appeared to be swollen. l found replacement parts on Amazon for $8. but there are better sites that sell quality electronic parts - wellnunder a $1 for one. l ordered a replacement and changed them out. and presto! the TV sprang back to life.
l was am easy fix. Anyone who can use a soldering iron can do this without any problem. l had made plans to replace the entire board if the capaciators didn't work. l found a site selling the circuit board for under $50. so if you are unable to identify what parts are faulty, you might as well replace the board instead of tossing your TV in the bin. Here's the link to order a new circuit board.

Thursday, June 17, 2021